There’s a crossroads of today and the future: it’s where your nonprofit faces the critical choices that will shape your destiny. But you’re not on your own: Armanino’s Annual Nonprofit Symposium is here, a compass to guide you on this journey and illuminate the path to success. This event can be the catalyst for breakthrough, an inflection point that inspires your organization to uncover the transformative idea that shapes tomorrow. In uniting nonprofits in the pursuit of innovation, we foster an environment where creativity thrives, and solutions emerge. By bridging the gap between now and next, we approach the crossroads together better informed and ready to innovate. Embrace the spirit of progress and join us as we navigate the decisions that will define your missions — and choose the road to a brighter future.

Matt Armanino

Christine DiBona Lobley
Executive Director
Fred's Footsteps

Stacie Cornwell
Nonprofit Industry Group Leader

Morgan Falor
Director, Strategic Development Outsourcing

Brenda Kahler
Director of Industry Strategy

Jane Scaccetti
Of Counsel

Boris Siperstein
Chief Financial and Operating Officer
Jewish Federation of Greater Houston

Eric Thomas
Partner, Consulting
October 5, 2023
Philadelphia In-Person and Virtual Experience
Armanino Office, 2nd Floor
Times in ET
10:00 AM
Refreshments and Networking
11:00 AM
11:15 AM
Purposeful Leadership in Uncertain Times
11:30 AM
Keynote Panel: Board Engagement and Leadership During Uncertainty
This esteemed panel will explore how to lead effectively through times of change, crisis and disruption while meeting the needs of your community.
12:30 PM
Networking Lunch
1:30 PM
The Power of Storytelling: Building Your Nonprofit's Narrative
Presenters will discuss the key elements of branding and storytelling for nonprofit organizations to connect with donors and volunteers and manage their reputation.
2:30 PM
Using Data for Good: The Key to Meeting Your Mission
Our presenters will examine the ways that nonprofits can embrace a data culture to revolutionize fundraising, improve operations and make better decisions to maximize impact.
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
Emerging Technology and Risk Management
Our panel will explore the practical ways nonprofits can leverage and apply emerging technologies/AI and how to manage associated risks in today's environment.
5:00 PM
Whether you're a nonprofit executive, finance professional or board member – this event is where we can approach the Crossroads together better informed and ready to innovate.
- Explore how to lead effectively through times of change, crisis and disruption while meeting the needs of your community
- Discuss the key elements of branding and storytelling for nonprofit organizations to connect with donors and volunteers and manage reputation
- Examine the ways that nonprofits can embrace a data culture to revolutionize fundraising, improve operations and make better decisions to maximize impact
- Explore the practical ways nonprofits can leverage and apply emerging technologies and AI and how to manage associated risks in today’s environment
Participants will earn 4.5 CPE credits*
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge (Technical)
Delivery Method: Group-Internet Based / Prerequisite: None / Advanced Preparation: None / Program Level: Basic / Recommended CPE Credits: 4.5 | There is no fee for this program. For more information regarding complaint and/or program cancellation policies, contact Megan.Kurtz@armanino.com or call 925 466 3318.
Armanino is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:www.nasbaregistry.org.